The Lake District has long inspired, writers, poets and artists. Its 16 sparkling lakes, jagged peaks and dramatic weather create landscapes that capture the imagination. We shared a tea with Allan Kirk who as an artist has painted the region for many years. Indeed his great grandfather also painted the same scenes over 150 years ago, which acts as just another example of the everlasting nature of these beautiful lakes and peaks.
“My great great grandfather made the most of his holidays in the Lakes painting and sketching, and I am proud to have many of his works dated from the 1850s.”

Having roots in the North East England, for many generations my family has enjoyed the tradition of crossing the country to take holidays in the Lake District. As a boy, I remember the excitement of piling into my uncle’s car with my two sisters, heading to a different caravan park each time.
My great great grandfather made the most of his holidays in the Lakes painting and sketching, and I am proud to have many of his works dated from the 1850s. As a parent, I have continued the family’s love of the North West by taking my own children to the Lakes and I have followed in my ancestor’s footsteps, visiting the places he has painted and developing works of my own painted from the same spot.
Now living in France, I think back to my last visit in 2007 as I cycled coast to coast though the Lake District to Tynemouth.

Allan and his wife Lesley now run water colour painting holidays in the south of France