Painting The Lake District with Joseph Connor


The Lake District has long inspired writers, poets and artists. Its 16 sparkling lakes, jagged peaks and dramatic weather create landscapes that capture the imagination. Here we share a tea with Joseph Connor, who represents a new breed of digital artists and hopes to encourage everyone to get out and sketch using their smartphones and tablets.

“It is my aspiration to inspire everyone outside to sketch on digital devices”

The joy in what I do arises from being outside, and having the time to look more intently at the places I visit.   The art created is a popular by-product.  Tablet computers & mobile phones promise to have the same affect that tubed paint did after its advent in 1841: they set artists free of the studio.  Ten minutes painting outside via digital device is worth a year painting in a studio.  They allow me to paint in places where I could never take traditional paints e.g. in the middle of a rising tidal river; atop Snowdon Mountain at -5 degrees Centigrade; on a pedestrian island – one can simply sketch whenever & wherever the light inspires you.  


‘Sergeant Man Sun’

It is my aspiration to inspire everyone outside to sketch on digital devices.  The main mechanism I have for this is the #Massdraw. 

Mass draw show the art of what is possible by smartphones and digital tablets. They will enable you to make peace with ‘artists’ you may see as not operating in the ‘real world’: by meeting again the inner artist you left behind at the age of seven.  Sketching outside underpins your human right to take time to observe more closely what is around you.  Quickly sharing your work via social media enables you to make peace with the popular view that not everyone can draw: as the feedback you will receive will undoubtedly be positive. You will know that ‘cannot’ need not be part of your vocabulary, but ‘have done and will do’ does.

To see more of Joseph’s work please visit


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