Breakfast Tea With Birchall

Are You Looking For A New Breakfast Tea To Start Your Day?

Breakfast tea has been a staple for thousands of tea drinkers across the United Kingdom for hundreds of years. A good brew will really set you up for the day and what better tea to have than Birchall Breakfast Tea. With our Great Rift Breakfast Tea, your day will start the right way. 

Black tea has a rich history, and here at Birchall we have worked hard to preserve some of the traditions, with a tea sourced from some of the finest tea estates across East Africa. The tea that we pick comes from bushes that grow slowly, at a low temperature but at a high altitude making sure that the tea has developed a truly great flavour before being picked. 

Drinking a nice cup of Birchall breakfast tea in the morning is a sure-fire way of getting yourself set up for the day. Grabbing a hot cup of tea before everyone else gets up, taking in those five or ten minutes of peace and quiet before the madness of school runs and work commutes descend on you might really help. There’s nothing like sitting outside, if it’s nice weather, or in the living room catching up on the news with a cup of Great Rift Breakfast Tea by Birchall.

Benefits of drinking Breakfast Tea 

So how might Great Rift breakfast tea help other than waking you up in the morning? We’ve thought of a few different benefits that will mean drinking Breakfast Tea will surely become part of your morning routine. 

No more grogginess

Black tea does contain caffeine, but distinctly less than coffee so you can still get rid of the grogginess of the previous night’s sleep without feeling jittery later in the afternoon or having that slump that drinking too much coffee can provide. Drinking black tea will revive your morning routine and provide you with that much needed boost to get the children ready for school, or for you to get to work on time without feeling like a zombie. 

May help to lower your cholesterol

As well as helping with the morning blues, black breakfast tea may also help with lowering your cholesterol by up to 11%. When our cholesterol is too high, we are at risk of various other issues, especially heart related. According to a study undertaken by the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Centre, black breakfast tea  might help to reduce LDL cholesterol if you drink a few cups a day. 

Heart health may improve 

Having lower cholesterol may lead to less stress being put on your heart and this may reduce the chance of more serious problems in later life. As you are putting less pressure on your heart, you may be at a lower risk of heart disease and heart attacks later in life. 

Helps to maintain good mental health

There are plenty of benefits to your physical health of drinking breakfast tea, but it might also help with your mental health. Black tea is full of a variety of amino acids, but one of them – L-theanine is the one that might help to reduce stress levels. It is why most people drink black tea in a crisis, or when in shock as it might help to calm them down but keep them focused enough to problem solve. Having a cup of breakfast tea before or during an important meeting might be a great way of keeping your stress levels down. 

May Improve concentration and focus

The further benefits of amino acid L-theanine and caffeine that are in breakfast tea are that they are both stimulants so they may help you focus more and be more attentive. L-theanine has been proven to help increase the alpha activity in your brain and therefore may help you relax, potentially helping you to focus more on your work. Having a few cups of tea in your working day may help with your concentration levels, meaning even the most mundane tasks of your day might get done without getting distracted. 

Stay energised 

Black breakfast tea is packed full of various electrolytes that help your body to function. Potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous are all important to ensure that your body is firing on all cylinders and by drinking breakfast tea, it will help keep those electrolytes present. Without these, you may feel fatigued, possibly dehydrated and weak. Water is the best way to stay hydrated, but luckily Birchall Breakfast Tea is also an ideal way to stay hydrated and keep your body functioning normally. 

Drinking black breakfast tea might benefit your overall mental and physical health, but our Great Rift breakfast tea is also full of wonderful flavours that we know you’ll just love. We recommend using a splash of lemon or some milk with it and brewing for around 3 minutes to ensure you get the maximum burst of flavours. Birchall Great Rift Breakfast Tea is available in a variety of tea bags and loose leaf so you can have it at work or at home. 

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